It’s a strange thing to realise as an adult that the experiences you thought were perfectly normal growing up were in fact – not that normal. You mean all children aren’t covered in an apple cider vinegar soaked tea towel and cling film when they injure themselves?
I feel fortunate to have grown up in a household of Bowen – I watched my dad fix ankles, shoulders, and necks at any opportunity after observing an issue with someone’s walk, posture or their ever so slight wince when turning their heads. I got to meet singers, comedians and actors whilst my Bowen therapist dad boldly introduced himself and asked if he could help.
I remember confidently claiming I could get rid of hiccups in Primary school using a simple move and seeing everyone’s amazement when it worked.
I helped children with their asthma, gave myself small Bowen moves during my long distance runs at school to help with stitches, and tweaked ankles after seeing so many of my friends ‘sprain’ their ankle and asking to learn more Bowen. I just wanted to be able to explain what my dad did when someone asked and to show off its capability.
When I was fourteen and had my first migraine, I retreated into my dad’s office by the fire and was lucky enough to be given treatment immediately – I was back up and heading to my Piano lesson 2 hours later. Not even pain killers have been that effective since. I had little fear because my dad could fix me!
Now that I have begun my own Bowen journey, I can’t imagine ever having the confidence to introduce, observe and treat someone on the fly and I wonder why. Reading an article last week on being a Bowen ambassador – it really emphasised a shift in dynamic. I’ve had with Bowen since beginning training. Growing up, I was merely showing off what my dad did and taught me. Now, it seems the joy of advocating for Bowen has gone and instead I feel like I’m giving an uncomfortable sales pitch.
Growing up, complementary medicine wasn’t big on people’s radar. I could count the amount of people who had heard of Bowen when I talked about it on my fingers, but this never phased me. Because I knew what it was and, importantly, that it worked and that was all that mattered. I had seen it work time and time again and if someone wanted to hear about it, great! If they didn’t, it was their loss.
I think I need to bring back some of this enthusiasm for Bowen, rather than feeling a pressure to justify it, I am simply going to be excited by the possibility of it once again!